Kigan to Kami and Greetings to Hotoke

The three ways to live; Kami, Hotoke, Hito no Michi is the center of the teachings. At Shinji Kyōkai, we pay respect and greet to both Kami and Hotoke.
Shinjitsu no Michi Kaikan
(the main center of worship) within Shinsōhonbu, contains the central hall of worship called Kōmyōden. There is also Anmyōden, a hall of worship where the ancestors and deceased family members of shinja are enshrined.  Followed by the form of Shinsōhonbu, shinja is encouraged to set Goshinkyo (household altar) and Anjukyo (family altar) in each house.


Asking for a Stable Kokoro

Placing Goshinkyo at home enable us to kigan in the morning and evening, and anytime in between as the need arises.
From ancient time in Japanese culture, people have prayed for the well-being of one’s family, thriving business or the realization of earnest wishes and so on. 
What we ask for Kami, Ōyamanezunomikoto is the salvation of kokoro (heart/mind).
It is very important to ask at all times for calmness and stability.

Stable and Anchored Kokoro Leads Us to Happiness

Every choice we make directly affects the quality of our life, such as going up the grades, finding a job, getting married and so on. Our kokoro decides whether our life is happy or unhappy.
That is why the direction in which our kokoro move is important. But our kokoro is beyond our control.
It’s easily swayed for the worth and impossible to control the feelings of anger or sadness.
Therefore, we speak our mind to Kami to get rid of anxiety and suffering, to maintain a calm state of mind.
If our kokoro is stable and anchored, we will be able to reap the positive benefits as a result.
Whatever happens in life, we will be able to make the right decision under the protection of Kami
The movements of our kokoro have a great effect on our health and even lifespan.
Stable and anchored kokoro that we ask Kami will bring happiness throughout life.


Showing Reverence and Love to Your Deceased Family Members and Your Ancestors

A memorial tablet called the Shinwaku that contains the name (Shinshi) is placed on the family altar (Anjukyo). Say a greeting of gratitude to deceased members of your family and your ancestors and reassure them of our well-being so they may rest in peace. The only thing they wish is the happiness of the living family.
Your keeping the way of Hotoke no Michi leads them to spiritual peace.