Summary of the Shinji (July 23, 2020) from Kyōshu Seishisha Tomomarukō Sensei

The Shinji revealed throughout the month of July (1st, 15th, 23rd) are tied to cover the theme of the month; The Strength of the Unmei Is Honed in the Family. A very important principle was shown in the very first part of the Shinji for the 1st, followed by numbers of awareness and deep understandings needed.

The Shinji for 23rd contains two points of awareness in the first half of the Shinji, and two points of deep understandings in the second half. Compared to the Shinji that we saw on the 15th, we will see a different approach that Kami uses to bring out our awareness and deep understanding. Now let us begin with the first awareness.

Do you know why society is unstable, unable to live in unity?
There are many people who live each day dependent on knowledge without principles, their relationships with their families diminished, unable to live with the truth (the principles).
They are without the core that supports life.

No matter the differences in the form of governments, countries across the world are faced with many challenges including the global pandemic. Many of us are feeling insecure and experiencing the instability through the divides. And in this Shinji, Kami brings our attention to think about the reason why the world is in such an unstable condition; Do you know why society is unstable, unable to live in unity? The answer to this is because our society has been consumed by the changes; ignoring the principles and how life ought to be and had been so busy trying to take temporary measures to overcome the problem in front of us.

But the root of it all exists in our family involvement. As it said in the Shinji, relationships with their families diminished, Kami is pointing out the reality that many people today are not having the right involvement with their own families. To recall, family is the smallest unit of society and it has a great impact on how each individual acts and involves with the greater world. So therefore, Kami is saying that the instability and the insecurity we feel about our society today is because the principles of how families should be is not deep rooted among us in our own families. That is why the society as a whole is dependent on knowledge without principles and facing difficulty to bring solutions to the current situation.

In other words, they are without the core that supports life. And because there is no core that supports life, people are more concerned about the forms and too focused on how and what would solve the situation. But we have to understand that unless we follow the guidance shown through the principles, the root of the problem will not go away. Thus problems will be repeated over and over again.  And we have to realize that this is the reason why the world is in distress, people are driven by insecurity, and consumed by the changes of time.   

The next part is the second point of awareness.

To the Shinja
Try learning the teachings with your family, and create a family that lives by the principles.
Conversations will gradually increase between family members; the right relationship with each other will deepen.

Kami has repeatedly shown the importance to learn the teachings with your family, and create a family that lives by the principles. And now is the time that we must take this one phrase seriously and realize how important it is for our own happiness.

However, we live in a society where things are constantly moving. And it is natural to be influenced and emotionally moved by what goes on around us. But as we learn the teachings with the family and are conscious to be involved with each other to elevate ourselves, conversations will gradually increase between family members. The more we exchange our thoughts, we can understand each other better, less misunderstandings will occur hence creating a sense of security amongst each other.
“Mom I’m leaving…” “I’m home…” “Hurry and go take a bath…” “Do you have any laundry?”; these are not conversations that Kami talks about. But it is to exchange our feelings and that is how we can better understand each other. This will naturally strengthen ties between family members and help bring the family closer in an emotional way. This is where Kami says; the right relationships with each other will deepen. And the right relationship is what keeps everyone grounded. Therefore, we must realize from the bottom of our hearts, about the importance to practice the teachings together with the family.

The following is the first of the two deep understandings of the Shinji.

Human beings are an existence that learns the kokoro of what it is to be human as they receive and experience the love of their family.
Be conscious of how precious is the family that is connected by the teachings.
Realize that a person (human being) who walks the correct path, is fostered by a family connected supported and enhanced by their unmei.
Now (today) is the time (era) to become aware and gain understanding together with your family.

We must not take our own families for granted. “I don’t feel like talking to them because I am tired.” “I give up talking because there is no way he will understand.”—this is not the right attitude to have towards the family. There is a phrase in the Shinji that says; to be human as they receive and experience the love of their family. First of all, we need to be a person who deserves the love from the family. If you feel the family does not care about you and feel no love, it is important that you give love to the family. It is all about give and take—love and care does not come to you unless you give love and care to other people. To love and to be loved; we must make the effort to create a family connected with compassion for each other. There we will find the kokoro of what it is to be human, which is the kokoro that all human beings should have to live the right way.

A family connected supported and enhanced by their unmei is where we learn our parameters and become a person who goes the correct pathKami is showing us the importance that now (today) is the time (era) to become aware and gain understanding together with your family is the time to realize this truth as a family.

The last part is the second point of the deep understanding.

Human beings embrace their kokoro (jittai) when they become aware of the kokoro of love experienced through rapport with their family.
The kokoro (unmei) is honed the more the jittai is corrected and they become the person (existence) who unifies society.

The rapport with family is the base of all human relationships one may have. The kokoro that gets fostered in the family environment is what leads to either raising or lowering one’s jittai. As Kami revealed; the kokoro of love experienced through rapport with their family, family environment must be valued. 

Kokoro of love; is to pay attention to the other person, be involved, listen to them, and care about their feelings. However, when we think about our interactions with our own family, we may become insensitive at times. We may agree with the family, but at the same time, ignore the family’s thoughts about something we do not agree with. This needs to be avoided.

The more the kokoro is honed through the right involvement with the family, our jittai will be corrected. And Kami showed that when the kokoro (unmei) is honed they become the person (existence) who unifies society. When a person’s unmei is drawn out and they become the person who unifies society, it does not necessarily mean about degrees or titles. Kami is talking about one’s ability to bring people’s feelings closer together.
For instance, if your child says to you, “Don’t say it like that…use nicer words.” The family is reminded to be more kind. And the child is exactly unifying the family. It is important to remember that as we keep in touch with the teachings, we will become a person who can be involved correctly with just anyone that crosses our lives.


There was an important principle about the importance of family environment shown at the beginning of the Shinji for July 1st. Human beings inherit their jittai from their Kokoro no Michi and are given life (unmei). Based on this truth, Kami places the soul at the time of birth. If one becomes a person who unifies society, that is to say that they are living a life merged with their unmei, which leads to a life without regrets, and the time for them to be reborn into another life after their passing will not be long. This means that their jittai is raised, and the unmei given from Kami will be elevated. 

How we interact and get involved with others are important. That is why we need to especially take care how we interact with the family. This is because family is where the kokoro of love is fostered through steps of growth; strong sense of egocentric kokoro, to a kokoro that cares about others, and to a kokoro filled with compassion.  Tomomaruhime Sensei used to teach us that a kokoro filled with compassion is one that is close to the kokoro of Kami.

Kokoro of Kami is about selflessness and free from avarice. And this kokoro is achieved through the steps of growth from an ego-centered one to a kokoro filled with compassion for others. To reach this kokoro, it is the daily effort to maintain a balanced kokoro by always having gratitude, conduct to sincerely help others, self-reflection, and giving back. These efforts to balance our kokoro help us receive the protection from Kami through Kibō no Michi(*). Therefore, we need to live by the teachings. And the more we strive with that awareness, we will not be too concerned about small things and stop to micromanage—we can live with a selfless mind. Understand that the unmei is honed in the family, let us make the effort to live by the teachings together with our own family.

(*) Kibō no Michi: All life are given an unmei at the time of birth. Unmei is the strength and the power to live. The means to surface one’s unmei, and correct the jittai passed on from our parents and ancestors is Kibō no Michi.