Summary of the Shinji (February 15, 2021) from Kyōshu Seishisha Tomomarukō Sensei

The Quick Point of the Shinji (February 1, 2021) by Kyōshu Seishisha Tomomarukō Sensei

The theme for February is “Understand the principles and your kokoro will not be overwhelmed.” It means if you make the teachings a part of you, the unmei, which is the strength to live will be drawn out. And then, you will attain a life without regrets. Regardless of social circumstances you are in, your kokoro will not be overwhelmed and things will be settled as it should be.

Let me teach you the point of Shinji of February 1st Shinja Kokoro no Michi Benkyōkai. The focus is on unmei. Please gain an understanding of the principle.

―The flow of time does not stand still
It is the unmei of time. Meanwhile the flow of time keeps going, the existence of all people and things moves with the flow of an era, lives and is allowed to live, as Kami teaches us. Deeply understand this principle first.

In the next paragraph, Kami teaches us how to move with the flow of an era.

Know your jittai; the effort to correct it hones your unmei and the power (unmei) of an era will be your ally.
Correct your jittai; how you perceive things, and draw out your unmei. Then, you can harmonize with the unmei of an era, and go with the flow of time. As stated in Shinji, you yourself, people, things, and environment around you, live and are allowed to live in the unmei of an era.
The meaning and worth of life lie in deepening understanding about the truth of an era and leaving behind good elements in your Kokoro no Michi.
Under COVID-19 crisis, lifestyle has been drastically changed. Some people take it as an opportunity to turn their life around like deepening the family bounds. Life will be a good one if you can accept the reality, the truth of an era, and adapt yourself to the changes. Then, you can leave behind good elements in your Kokoro no Michi.

In the light of the point of this Shinji, please learn the Shinji of February 15.


All things are connected and happen according to the basics of how things should be.
Mutual support through the unmei-jittai—this is the principle of this world.
But the world (society) today (now) that moves without knowing this principle is dependent on knowledge without principles as society increasingly goes off and against the path, suffers, and loses its way.

To the Shinja
Learn the teachings as a family and build a family (home) where the kokoro is one with the principles.
This mindset will raise the kokoro (jittai) of your family members and the unmei will guide and protect the life of each family member.
Do you know why society will separate into those (people) who live and experience happiness and those (people) who suffer and have no dreams?
Life will always be (an era) filled with meaning and purpose if the basic principle of life is understood.
The state that society seeks is a mixture of truths and falsehoods.
People (humanity) attain salvation when their awareness deepens through the teachings and they (humanity) gain understanding about the principle of life.


When we learn Kami’s teachings and understand the workings of this world, and the current of society, we could live with the flow without being swallowed by the changes of the environment. In other words, if you understand the principles, your kokoro will not be overwhelmed, which is the theme of February.
Today’s Shinji is on page 14 of the latest Yuwa No.332. The first paragraph shows a realization.

All things are connected and happen according to the basics of how things should be.
Mutual support through the unmei-jittai—this is the principle of this world.
But the world (society) today (now) that moves without knowing this principle is dependent on knowledge without principles as society increasingly goes off and against the path, suffers, and loses its way.

Every relationship between human beings and things has the basics of how things should be. Kami reveals that all things are connected and happen according to the basics of how things should be. The basics has a meaning close to nature or essence. If we relate each other with a full understanding of the nature of human beings, the nature of water…, everything will harmonize. On the other hand, most people do not know such basics. Therefore, they make rules or try to take measures by relying on knowledge.
Things have the basics of how they should be. Mutual support through the unmei-jittai—this is the principle of this world. This is the workings of this world. If each unmei is drawn out, the essence that the person or the thing has come together without rules, and things ought to go well smoothly.
For example, the world of nature such as food chains, the life cycle, in itself is well structured to go smoothly. Living things such as small fishes that are in lower trophic level are born many, and a chain of their birth maintains harmony of the natural world. If we do not know the workings of mutual support through the unmei-jittai or the essence of things, problems will arise. For example, without thinking of the future, we destroy the harmony by catching too many fishes. It will bring the outcome that we make a fuss that the number of whales, sauries, eels are decreasing….
Kami pointed out such a reality that the world (society) today (now) that moves without knowing this principle is dependent on knowledge without principles as society increasingly goes off and against the path, suffers, and loses its way. It is the reality that various things such as foreign affairs, infectious measures, etc., have been discussed against the principles. And people rely on only knowledge or information; that pulls them into suffer and ambivalence. Now is the time when we human beings must realize the important thing we had lost.

The next paragraph is a realization. It is what we must take in to form our personality.

To the Shinja
Learn the teachings as a family and build a family (home) where the kokoro is one with the principles.
This mindset will raise the kokoro (jittai) of your family members and the unmei will guide and protect the life of each family member.

Kami calls out to us to learn the teachings as a family,relate to each other based on our own role in family, and build a family (home) where the kokoro is one with the principles. Do you know why Kami urges us repeatedly “As a family…”?It is because the place where human beings are born and end their life is the family which is the smallest unit in society.
In order to make the best of their essence, there is a role for each family member to play. Father is a root, mother is a trunk, children are branches, and grandparents are earth when family is compared to a tree. When a root, a trunk, the branches and the earth are harmonized, unmei of each family member is drawn out. When unmei comes together, things balance each other mysteriously. The strength of unmei keeps the balance beyond our imagination. Therefore, we have to make use of the teachings in family which is the basis of life.
When we live a way of life suitable for our age with a full understanding of the roles as a root, a trunk, the branches, and the earth at home, itwill be sure to raise the kokoro (jittai) of your family members and the unmei will guide and protect the life of each family member. We could live a great life absolutely. However, if we are not conscious of the teachings, we will think through information overflowing society, and lose the way and suffer like “A subsidy should be…,” “The way of working from now on…,” etc. To live a life according to the basis of the teachings does not mean just to know and we realize, but that we need to understand and practice it naturally as our personality.

The next paragraph is a realization. The first paragraph of realization had a larger meaning, and this paragraph gives us a realization we should have in our daily life, which is more specific and more in detail.

Do you know why society will separate into those (people) who live and experience happiness and those (people) who suffer and have no dreams?
Life will always be (an era) filled with meaning and purpose if the basic principle of life is understood.

The state that society seeks is a mixture of truths and falsehoods.
People (humanity) attain salvation when their awareness deepens through the teachings and they (humanity) gain understanding about the principle of life.

Since there are few people who live a life with a full understanding of the natural way of things and principles, society will separate into those (people) who live and experience happiness and those (people) who suffer and have no dreams. Although each unmei will come together when you listen to others’ opinions and suggest that “If you do in this way, it would be better.”, an attitude of criticism, denial, and blaming for each other completely is remarkable. Their way of living is not only that they could not make the best use of their unmei but also lower their jittai.
The person who lives a life with calm kokoro and filled with a sense of happiness will not say what they do not need to say. They live with the flow. If someone says “Today is good weather, isn’t it?”, they will reply that “Yes, it truly is.” It will bring out of harmony if they reply that “No, the weather forecast is wrong.” Such a person could not have a strength to live and dream correctly. Rather, they hardly gain the meaning and purpose.
Kami declares life will always be (an era) filled with meaning and purpose if the basic principle of life is understood. It is the principle of the world that we human beings support mutually through the unmei-jittai. When we live abiding by the basis, everything goes smoothly. We could experience meaning and purpose in our life. It is because we go off from the basis, problems will be brought about.
The current society is a mixture of truths and falsehoods toward everything what people say or think. It is not like so many information is existing separately, but it is like those are melting together so that people cannot distinguish what is truth and false without knowing principles. Although it looks apparently good, it was not good in fact. On the other hand, the content is good although the appearance was not good. In this way, truths and falsehoods are unclear. We have to make the right decision as we know this well.
Therefore, we need to make awareness deepen through the teachings and we need to gain understanding about the principle of life. We need to learn the working of the world and the correct way to attain a life without any regrets, and to make the best of strengths of each other and come together. Kami shows us the conclusion that people (humanity) attain salvation when we practice it.