February 28, 2021 Kibō no Michi Benkyōkai
Summary of the Shinji from Kyōshu Seishisha Tomomarukō Sensei

Gain awareness from the teachings, hone your kokoro (jittai) and strive to raise it.
This understanding will greatly protect and guide the life of a shinja.
Human beings are fated to live out a finite period of time (life) rooted in their unmei-jittai.
The more the kokoro lives and is supported by this one principle, emotions anchor and doubts disappear.
As Kami sees it, the kokoro (conviction) of all (shinja) to live by the teachings is weak.
And because it is weak, the kokoro (life) is consumed by the surrounding environment and there is no confidence.
Why is it important to learn the teachings with family members and to create a home where the kokoro comes together based on the principles?
When this question can be correctly answered, human beings will gain the mainstay (conviction) that supports life.
Let me teach you what you must do now as you correct the kokoro.
Learn the teachings, reflect on the state of your kokoro, and live each day.
The doubts in your kokoro subside and the kokoro to give back begins to blossom.
When human beings learn the correct path and abide by it, the strengths of the unmei are drawn out and a life of dreams is lived.

Kibō no Michi Benkyōkai is a guidance of our kokoro that Kami gives us especially when we are in doubt or in times of trouble. It is recommended to reflect on our kokoro along with the Shinji for Shinja Kokoro no Michi Benkyōkai where Kami teaches us the flow of society today.

The Shinji today begins with a point on what to do first when you find yourself troubled or worries start to emerge in your kokoro.

Gain awareness from the teachings, hone your kokoro (jittai) and strive to raise it.
This understanding will greatly protect and guide the life of a shinja.
This is the one thing you must realize when you find yourself running into problems. You must stop and reflect on your kokoro based on the teachings, gain awareness from the teachings, and hone your kokoro and strive to raise it.  It is better not to blame and point fingers by thinking; “It’s his fault,” “The company is doing things wrong.” When you are in doubt or having problems, take it as an opportunity to correct your kokoro, find your shortcomings, and focus on what you need to do now to better the situation because nothing will come out of it unless you involve and face the situation correctly.  
The teachings are learned from the Shinji. And as you learn the teachings, you will start to realize more about yourself; how you perceive things, your views, your ways of thinking, all of which is your jittai. Once you realize your jittai, strive to live by the teachings so you can correct them. As you endeavor to practice the teachings to hone your personalities, the teachings become a deep understanding. And this understanding will greatly protect and guide the life of a shinja. If you take in the teachings as part of your life in a natural way, you will find yourself growing from the experiences and when looking back at the troubled times you would think; “I was able to grow from that problem I faced,” or “I was blaming everybody else, but when I changed myself, everything changed!” The practicing of the teachings is what eventually protects your life.
There are various reading materials of the teachings available in English. Please read them over and over to know how to utilize the principles in your life.


Human beings are fated to live out a finite period of time (life) rooted in their unmei-jittai.
The more the kokoro lives and is supported by this one principle, emotions anchor and doubts disappear.
Every one of us is given an unmei from Kami that can be contributed to society in one way or another. However, your jittai can be the reason that pulls you away from extending your full potentials. And what we mean by jittai—it is your personality and your perception. Human beings live out a finite period of time (life) made and rooted of unmei granted from Kami, and a jittai handed down from the parents and ancestors. Understand this truth and look into modifying your views, personalities which leads to the correction of your jittai.
When you run into problems, that means you have not yet identified the jittai that needs to be corrected. Without identifying and seeing what needs to be corrected, you will continue to blame the reason for your problems on somebody else by saying; “My income is lowered because of Covid,” “I am going through this because I was mistreated.” You have to understand that everything that occurs in life is rooted in unmei-jittai.  So, do not blame someone else, understand that you have a part in causing the worries you have at the moment and focus on extending your good points based on the teachings at all times. As Kami said, the more the kokoro lives and is supported by this one principle, emotions anchor and doubts disappear. The more you abide by the teachings, you will stay calm at all times, and the movement of your kokoro will be stable.


As Kami sees it, the kokoro (conviction) of all (shinja) to live by the teachings is weak.
And because it is weak, the kokoro (life) is consumed by the surrounding environment and there is no confidence.
Why is it important to learn the teachings with family members and to create a home where the kokoro comes together based on the principles?
When this question can be correctly answered, human beings will gain the mainstay (conviction) that supports life.
If you are having problems at the moment, Kami points out that your kokoro (conviction) of all (shinja) to live by the teachings is weak. Which means that your will to live life supported by the teachings still needs to be strengthened. Are you learning the teachings? Are you learning it enough to really make it a part of your life? And because the will to live life supported by the teachings needs to be strengthened, Kami said that the kokoro (life) is consumed by the surrounding environment and ther is no confidence. There are so many people who waver and overreact to their current situation, people’s opinions and actions. This is the reason why you lose your confidence. And that is truly a waste as every one of us is given an unmei that can be useful for society. 
The support of life is your family. And that is why it is important to learn the teachings with family members and create a home where the kokoro comes together based on the principles. Each family member must learn the teachings, be aware of living correctly in their life stages, and interact being aware of their respective roles as a father, as a mother, as a child, and as a grandparent.
If this is practiced, Kami promises that we will gain the mainstay (conviction) that supports life. To practice the teachings as a family and endeavor to raise the jittai is the right direction of life you must follow. In other words, the right involvement with your family is the key—to be father-like, to be mother-like, to be child-like is important.


Let me teach you what you must do now as you correct the kokoro.
Learn the teachings, reflect on the state of your kokoro, and live each day.
The doubts in your kokoro subside and the kokoro to give back begins to blossom.
When human beings learn the correct path and abide by it, the strengths of the unmei are drawn out and a life of dreams is lived.
Kami is teachings us what to do now to correct the kokoro. And that is to learn the teachings, reflect on the state of your kokoro, and live each day. What’s important is to see how your kokoro is, and stop to think if you are treating and understanding the people around you in the respectful way. This awareness is important because when people are having problems, we tend to think we are right and the other person is wrong.

And when your shortcomings are discovered and your views and perceptions are modified, the doubts in your kokoro subsides and the kokoro to give back begins to blossom. In other words, you will start to have feelings to think in their shoes and when you learn the correct path and abide by it, the strengths of the unmei are drawn out and a life of dreams is lived. A life of dreams, in other words, is to fulfill your potentials, and having the strength and determination to use your abilities for your surroundings. And living this way, your problems will fade away most definitely.